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Here is a list of some visited places, attended courses/conferences and delivered talks. Feel free to contact me if you wish to have further details. 

Research Visits:

April 16-23 2019visiting Prof. Maria Grazia Viola at the WWU Münster (Germany).

Project title: "Regularity properties for generalized crossed products C*-algebras"


April 09-16 2019: visiting Dr. Karen Strung at the Radboud University of Nijmegen (the Netherlands).

Project title: "Regularity properties for generalized crossed products C*-algebras"


November 4-9 2018: Invited Participant at 5-days workshop Women on Operator Algebras - BIRS at Banff Center for Arts and Creativity (Alberta, Canada).

Project title: "Regularity properties for generalized crossed products C*-algebras"


May 23 2018 - July 19 2018: visiting Prof. Maria Fragoulopoulou at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece).

Project title: "Enveloping CQ*-algebras of Banach quasi *-algebras and their tensors products"


September 17 2017 - December 20 2017: visiting Prof. Maria Fragoulopoulou at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece).

Project title: "Tensor products of Banach quasi *-algebras".


July 2-30 2017: visiting Prof. Pere Ara at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).

Project title: "Flow equivalence, orbit equivalence and ordered cohomology".

Selected Conferences & Talks

Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras 2019 - August 5-10 2019, University of Copenhagen (Denmark).

Talk: "Structure of the generalized crossed product: the Cantor case".


International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications 2019 - July 22-26 2019, Instituto Superior Tecnico of Lisbon (Portugal).

Talk: "Representable and continuous functionals on Banach quasi *-algebras and applications to tensor product".


International Meet on Analysis - November 24 2018, University of Delhi (Delhi, India)

Invited talk: "Tensor products of Banach quasi *-algebras and the problem of continuity for representable functionals".


International Conference on Banach Algebras, Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory - November 20-22 2018, Sardar Patel University (Anand - Gujarat, India)

Invited talk: "About the continuity for representable functionals on Banach quasi *-algebras".


Young Mathematicians on C*-algebras 2018 - August 13-17 2018, KU Leuven (Belgium).


Joint meeting of the Italian Mathematical Union, the Italian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the Polish Mathematical Society - September 17-20 2018, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland).

Talk: "Unbounded derivations and *-automorphisms groups on Banach quasi *-algebras".


International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 - August 1-9 2018, Riocentro in Rio .de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Poster: "Representable and continuous functionals on Banach quasi *-algebras".


ICM Operator Algebras Satellite Conference - July 26-30 2018, Hotel Palace Praia in Florianopolis (Santa Caterina, Brazil).


27th International Conference on Operator Theory - July 2-6 2018, West University of Timisoara (Romania).

Talk: "Tensor products of Banach quasi *-algebras and the problem of continuity for representable functionals".


Great Plans Operator Theory Symposium 2018 - May29 to June 2 2018, Miami University, Oxford (Ohio, United States of America).

Talk: "Unbounded derivations and *-automorphisms groups of Banach quasi *-algebras"


International Conference on Topological Algebras and Applications 2018 - January 25-28 2018, University of Tallinn (Estonia).

Talk: "Derivations and representable functionals over Banach quasi *-algebras".


International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications 2017 - August 14-19 2017, TU Chemnitz (Germany).


Young Mathematicians on C*-algebras 2017 - August 7-11 2017, University of Copenhagen (Denmark).


Barcelona Conference on C*-algebras: Structure, Classifications and Dynamics - June 19-23 2017, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).

Talk: "Automatic continuity of representable functionals on a Banach quasi *-algebra".


Workshop on C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems - March 20-24 2017, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).


Young Mathematicians on C*-algebras 2016 - July 25-29 2016, WWU Münster (Germany).

Talk: "CQ*-algebras and their physical applications: a survey"



Selected Schools attended:

NCGOA Spring Institute 2018 - C*-algebras and Dynamics - May 14-19 2018, WWU Münster (Germany).

Courses attended:

  • Caleb Eckhardt: An introduction to nuclear C*-algebras via noncommutative tori;

  • Xin Li: Cartan subalgebras in C*-algebras;

  • Karen Strung: C*-dynamics and classification;

  • Gabor Szabo: Introduction to the classification of (single) automorphisms;

  • Stuart White: The quasidiagonality theorem, Bluffer's guide to extensions.


Introductory School - Thematic program "L^2-invariants and their analogues in positive characteristic" - February 26-March 09 2018, Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas of Madrid (Spain)

Courses attended (1st week):

  • Lukasz Grabowski - Introduction to L^2-invariants I;

  • Jesse Peterson - Introduction to von Neumann algebras and algebras of affiliated operators;

  • Damien Gaboriau - Introduction to measured group theory;

  • Pere Ara - Introduction to von Neumann regular and *-regular rings;

  • Andrei Jaikin - Mod-p methods and the p-gradient.

Courses attended (2nd week):

  • Thomas Schick - Introduction to L^2-invariants II;

  • Miklos Abert - Groups and graph limits;

  • Ben Hayes - Sofic groups and applications of L^2-invariants;

  • Steffen Kionke - Introduction to arithmetic groups and their cohomology;

  • Haluk Sengun - Torsion homology of 3-manifolds groups.


Masterclass on Rigidity of C*-algebras associated to dynamics - October 16-20 2017, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Courses delivered by Toke Meier Carlsen and Xin Li.


Masterclass on Applications of the UCT for C*-algebras - October 2-6 2017, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Courses attended:

  • Marius Dadarlat: A friendly introduction to KK-theory and the UCT;

  • Wilhelm Winter: Structure and classification of nuclear C*-algebras: The role of the UCT.


Advanced Course on Operator Algebras: Groupoids, Crossed Products and Rokhlin Dimension - IRP Operator Algebras: Dynamics and Interactions - March 13-17 2017, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).

Courses attended:

  • Aidan Sims: Étale groupoids and their C*-algebras;

  • Gàbor Szabò: Introduction to Rokhlin dimension;

  • Dana Williams: Crossed products.


NCGOA Spring Institute 2016 - HIM Trimester on von Neumann Algebras - May 17-25 2016, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in Bonn (Germany).

      Minicourses attended:

  • Remi Boutonnet: A few basics on von Neumann algebras;

  • Emily Peters: The classification of small-index subfactors;

  • Dimitri Shlyakhtenko: Free probability and von Neumann algebras;

  • Adrian Ioana: Applications of asymptotic properties of group actions and II1 factors;

  • Dan Voiculescu: Free probability for pairs of faces;

  • Masaki Izumi: An operator algebra approach to the classification of certain fusion categories;

  • Stefaan Vaes: II1 factors with exactly two crossed product decompositions.





Last updated: 01.12.2021

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